Tuesday, December 8, 2009

advent calendar

Wow it has been a long time since I last updated our blog. My hard drive fell and broke and I lost ALL of my family's pictures for the past 4 years and unfortunately I had not been very up to date with my blog for this year's events. I was really sad about it but I'm trying to be better with updating events. What better time to start than in December?
A couple of year ago I started an advent calendar with my kids. I decided it would be fun to write goofy poems each day that gave my kids clues where they could find little gifts each day like family movies or games everyone can play or dollar gifts. It's amazing how much fun you can have with gifts that bring All of you kids together. Little did I know that my kids would like it so much. I was also unaware of how much work it would be to think of new poems everyday. Last year I was not very good about doing it every day and my kids would be sad when we would skip days.
This year I wrote myself a note on the November calendar to write the poems in advance. I didn't see the note on the calendar until the last week of November....so much for planning ahead! I thought maybe I wouldn't have to do it this year but Sam also noticed my reminder and his face lit up with excitement to read the poems. Everyday my kids ask me if I have written the poem and when can they read it. I love watching all of my kids come together every day to read their poem and search for their gift together. There are not many things that bring a 15, 10 and 4 year old together but it is awesome when you find them! The moral of the story....It's the small things that count to kids.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

I took these pictures just before Sam's play. He had the role of Hansel in his class play of the Sand Witch trail with Hansel and Gretel. Everyone had to create their own costum and this is what we came up with for Sam. He said, "I look like I'm from New York not Germany." He chose to go with the look despite his New York appearance.
Although they didn't memorize their lines and read straight from the play, Sam was very dramatic. When asked to point out the witch who held him against his will, he pointed to the witch and with a shakey and very scared voice and said "It was her!" Everyone giggled at his dramatic display.
I think we may have another Dave on our hands!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Family Hiking

We try to do something as a family every Sunday. We decided to hike up Mt Timpanogas this Sunday but when we got there it was closed due to a rock slide. There were a few other trails open so off we went. Everything was so green from all the rain. The kids saw a group of baby snakes all balled up in a tree. It was very exciting until they were asked if they wanted to hold them. Sam tried but his got away and Emma was too scared when it came down to it. The kids stopped at the water on the way out and everyone took turns looking through Mike's and my polarized sunglasses to find the fish swimming in the shallow brook. It was a cloud covered day which made it a perfect day for hiking. I love it how nature seems to bring our family together!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Mike and I had planned our annual trip to Hawaii this May for some rest and relaxation. Then about 3 weeks before we left we decided we were going to take our kids and moms with us. Mike found an awesome deal on airfare (if you ever need someone to find an amazing deal on just about anything....Mike's your man!) so we booked the tickets.
We spent a lot of time at the beach building sand castles and swimming in the ocean. We even saw a few sea turtles which is always awesome! The boys took surfing lessons which they all loved. All of them were able to get up on the surfboard and flash the hang loose signal to the photographer. I was really proud of all of them! Emma and I spent much of that day on the beach finding coral and throwing it back in the ocean...lots of fun for a 4 year old.
If we weren't at the beach then we were at pool at our condo. Emma loved the pool as much if not more than the beach. I think the idea of the big open ocean is scary compared to the safety of a pool. Emma even met a couple of friends at the pool and we ended up hanging out with their family. They were from Canada and they were a ton of fun to hang out with. I am sure we will vacation with them again in the future!
Now if you even want to know if your kids love you or at the very least need you....send them home 2 days before you. Mike and I decided to stay a couple of extra days with our friends and sent the kids home early with the grandma's. When I went to the airport to drop them off, Emma had a complete melt down because I wasn't with them. Unfortunately, the kids did not sleep well on the plane and were very tired and grumpy the next day. I got 19....yes 19 phone calls from my kids and Mike's dad. Wow, that made for a relaxing day, let me tell you!!!
All in all it was an amazing trip! Everyone keeps asking "how was Hawaii"...my answer "It's Hawaii, of course it's awesome" I think a bad day in Hawaii is still a better day than almost anywhere else! Beaches, sun and no real hurry to get anywhere. What more can you ask for?

Windy day

Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Tom gave the kids a kite for easter this year and last year. We decided today was the perfect day for flying kites...sunny, with just enough wind to get a kite up in the sky. This year's kite was shaped like a mackaw which looked awesome once you got it up in the sky. Sam and Emma took turns holding the string but in his usual dad fashion, Mike took over the kite flying duties. Sam kept yelling to him that he was getting too close to the trees but of course Mike did not listen. The next thing we knew, the kite was in a tree and we could not get it out. Maybe one day Mike will learn to listen to Sam!
While Mike, Emma and Sam were flying their kite, Ty was attempting to get last year's kite to fly again. I was enjoying myself watching everyone and of course taking pictures. It was so funny watching Tyler try over and over (with little success) to get that poor broken down kite up in the air. Another fun day with the family!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dance, dance, dance

Well, it's that time of year again. Time to wrap up the school year (which I can't believe has flown by so fast!) and time for dance recitals. Emma asks me at least once a week if she can have her recital this week. I explain to her that it is not until June and that everyone needs more time to practice. She will then proceed to tell me we need to call Tiffany (aunt Tiffany and dance teacher) and ask if we can have her recital tomorrow. It does not help that her cousin has already had her recital for the end of the year. You know what they say, Patients is a virtue, unfortunately for Emma, they did not give a timeline for that virtue when you are 4 years old.

These pictures are from her picture day at Tiffany Dance Co. studio. Although I will get the pictures of her class from the photographer there, I wanted to do a few more fun things that focus on Emma and her costume. What more do you need in life than fancy pink gloves (just like Fancy Nancy Emma says) or shoes with big pink bows and a little girl that is cute as a button. If for no other reason, this is why every woman wants a little girl!!!

A little attitude never hurt anyone! It looks like Emma is yelling for everyone to look at her but she is really showing off part of her dance...Oink Oink! I can't wait for her recital!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Sunday

I love Easter because it always feels like the spring has finally arrived. Although Tyler, Sam and Emma have 5 year gaps between each of them, they get along great when it is important. Easter was one of those days. They all woke up and went hunting for Easter eggs and then went and got their new Easter outfits on and hunted for more eggs in the back yard. Sam and Emma had fun after the hunt was over by blowing bubbles in the front yard. Emma also had fun twirling around in her new dress. She looked so cute! It was like the dress was made just for her!!! What a fun day!!!
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rock Star

I love this picture of Emma....not because she looks cute but because of her thought process for the outfit. At the time this picture was taken, Emma had been very sick for about a week. She had a bad cough and was going through tissues like you would not believe. Although I didn't want to, I had to go to the store for something and of course she had to come with me. I told her to get dressed quickly and we would go. She came back with this outfit and said "DO I LOOK LIKE A ROCK STAR?" Well I guess she kind of does. Who else could pull off sweats, a newsies cap and big sunglasses....well, Emma the ROCK STAR in the making.
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sam's program

The fourth grade program was so fun for Sam. He had one of the major roles in the skits of their performance. He was to mayor and had to memorize quite a few lines. It was so awesome to see him up on stage....so confident and grown up. I was so proud of him!!!
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Monday, March 16, 2009

experimenting with light

Sara came over on Friday for a sleepover. She and Emma don't know what to do without each other so we decided it was time for a sleepover. Donna and I were, as always, on the lookout for new locations. We found an awesome church in Sugarhouse and did some experimenting with lighting a poses with both Emma and Sara. They were the perfect models!

Monday, March 9, 2009

locations hunt continued

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Location hunt

As usual, Emma was the assistant on Donna and my quest for photo locations. These three of Emma were not pictures I liked at all but after I changed them to Sepia and B&W I loved the effect. As for me with the Alta Jersey, we were looking for a place that would look good with the old fashion jerseys that Alta is going with this year for baseball. I think they will look awesome!!

location hunt

I love the effect in this alley way. It is a layer of sepia and the a focal b&w. I think the effect is pretty cool!
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location hunt continues

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location hunt continues

Emma asked us all day if we could go to the bus and take pictures of her. When we got there, she was good for about 5 shots(2 minutes) and she was done. It was sooooo cold. I love the faces Donna is making in these...they are so FUNNY!!!! Despite the lack of cooperation from Emma and Donna's funny faces, I think this is an aesome location for all kinds of pictures!
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Friday, February 27, 2009

Crazy life

As usual, our lives have been crazy lately. I have working on getting my photography business up and running with my friend Donna and I finally finished all of the prep work today. We did our first photo shoot last week with my niece. It was a lot of fun working with an infant(which neither of us had done before). They are definitely the ones that choose how things go. If they are hungry they have to eat and if they are tired, they are going to cry. All in all I think we got some great shots! My new blog is cdphotographyutah.blogspot.com.

I am so lucky to be surrounded by good friends and family that support all of my craziness! I do feel blessed by my life!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 random Things

I got tagged in Facebook asking for 25 random things about me and here they are.....I am still waiting to read everyone else's responses. My husband even learned something new about me. It is a lot of fun and I would sugget that everyone try it!

1. I, like many others, am a list maker. If I've started my day without making my list I will go back and write down everything I still need to do and the things I have already done. That way I can cross things off my list and feel like I'm making headway.
2. I hate to hear people eat. It grosses me out! (especially chips)
3. I don't get my face wet in the shower. I think I have some weird childhood fear of drowning....weird I know!
4. I am a project freak....I feel lost without 100 things to do.
5. I love the color green- all but forest green which I did love in the 90's.
6. I hate doing laundry! I am lucky my husband will fold for me!
7. I wish I would have finished college- more as an example to my kids than anything.
8. I love shoes- not necessary expensive but fun. I am not so secretly living through my daughter who has at least 15 pair of shoes- she is 4.
9. My first baby was 9lbs 11oz- OUCH!
10. I love taking pictures of kids not smiling- I'll take natural over cheese any day!
11. I have a fear of large ear lobes- you know the kind that old ladies get from wearing heavy earrings. That's why I rarely wear big earrings.
12. I am in love with my husband- all day every day- and I am thankful for everything that brought us together!
13. I am a visual learner. I can learn almost anything from watching someone do it but I am lost when I have to ready directions!
14. I love my Iphone- it's the best entertainment going!
15. I want to become a professional photographer!
16. My favorite candies are Black Current fruit pastils that my best friend gets me from England!
17. I love that all my kids are 5 years apart so that I can enjoy each of that at individual stages in life!
18. I love digital scrapbooking!
19. I love to read kid and teen book series better than adult book series...adults are too serious! It also helps in discussing what my kids are reading. Fablehaven, Twilight, Harry Potter, Spiderwick
20. I love changing my hair- long, short, super short- I always like to change!
21. I love working out- it's such a release! I need to be more consistent!
22. I love to decorate...my friends always want me to decorate their houses and I love it!
23. I don't like cake or ice cream. Give me a box of crackers and I will chow down!
24. I love my coffee. Not for the jolt it give but honestly I love the flavor!
25. I have a secret desire to be great at something....like Tiger Woods great! Not just good but GREAT! maybe I'll figure it out one day!

Rock Star

Just another boring Saturday night until our local Rock Star shows up. Tyler was playing his guiter so Emma Ran down stairs to grab her "electric guitar" and rock out.
She told her daddy that she was going to pretend to be a rock star and he could stand across from her and pretend she didn't know him. She said he could be the people that watch her. She makes me laugh. Here are the Rock star pictures from my phone.....Rock star and back stage pictures....