Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Mike and I had planned our annual trip to Hawaii this May for some rest and relaxation. Then about 3 weeks before we left we decided we were going to take our kids and moms with us. Mike found an awesome deal on airfare (if you ever need someone to find an amazing deal on just about anything....Mike's your man!) so we booked the tickets.
We spent a lot of time at the beach building sand castles and swimming in the ocean. We even saw a few sea turtles which is always awesome! The boys took surfing lessons which they all loved. All of them were able to get up on the surfboard and flash the hang loose signal to the photographer. I was really proud of all of them! Emma and I spent much of that day on the beach finding coral and throwing it back in the ocean...lots of fun for a 4 year old.
If we weren't at the beach then we were at pool at our condo. Emma loved the pool as much if not more than the beach. I think the idea of the big open ocean is scary compared to the safety of a pool. Emma even met a couple of friends at the pool and we ended up hanging out with their family. They were from Canada and they were a ton of fun to hang out with. I am sure we will vacation with them again in the future!
Now if you even want to know if your kids love you or at the very least need you....send them home 2 days before you. Mike and I decided to stay a couple of extra days with our friends and sent the kids home early with the grandma's. When I went to the airport to drop them off, Emma had a complete melt down because I wasn't with them. Unfortunately, the kids did not sleep well on the plane and were very tired and grumpy the next day. I got 19....yes 19 phone calls from my kids and Mike's dad. Wow, that made for a relaxing day, let me tell you!!!
All in all it was an amazing trip! Everyone keeps asking "how was Hawaii"...my answer "It's Hawaii, of course it's awesome" I think a bad day in Hawaii is still a better day than almost anywhere else! Beaches, sun and no real hurry to get anywhere. What more can you ask for?

Windy day

Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Tom gave the kids a kite for easter this year and last year. We decided today was the perfect day for flying kites...sunny, with just enough wind to get a kite up in the sky. This year's kite was shaped like a mackaw which looked awesome once you got it up in the sky. Sam and Emma took turns holding the string but in his usual dad fashion, Mike took over the kite flying duties. Sam kept yelling to him that he was getting too close to the trees but of course Mike did not listen. The next thing we knew, the kite was in a tree and we could not get it out. Maybe one day Mike will learn to listen to Sam!
While Mike, Emma and Sam were flying their kite, Ty was attempting to get last year's kite to fly again. I was enjoying myself watching everyone and of course taking pictures. It was so funny watching Tyler try over and over (with little success) to get that poor broken down kite up in the air. Another fun day with the family!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dance, dance, dance

Well, it's that time of year again. Time to wrap up the school year (which I can't believe has flown by so fast!) and time for dance recitals. Emma asks me at least once a week if she can have her recital this week. I explain to her that it is not until June and that everyone needs more time to practice. She will then proceed to tell me we need to call Tiffany (aunt Tiffany and dance teacher) and ask if we can have her recital tomorrow. It does not help that her cousin has already had her recital for the end of the year. You know what they say, Patients is a virtue, unfortunately for Emma, they did not give a timeline for that virtue when you are 4 years old.

These pictures are from her picture day at Tiffany Dance Co. studio. Although I will get the pictures of her class from the photographer there, I wanted to do a few more fun things that focus on Emma and her costume. What more do you need in life than fancy pink gloves (just like Fancy Nancy Emma says) or shoes with big pink bows and a little girl that is cute as a button. If for no other reason, this is why every woman wants a little girl!!!

A little attitude never hurt anyone! It looks like Emma is yelling for everyone to look at her but she is really showing off part of her dance...Oink Oink! I can't wait for her recital!!!